Gena relates a story from Wednesday evening. Her grandparents host a small Bible-study in their home each week. She and Alec spent a fair amount of that time down at Lake Cushman throwing rocks into the water and otherwise enjoying some alone time and allowing her grandparents' study to proceed in comparative peace. She and Alec returned prior to everyone having disbanded though, and in time for dessert.
She overheard Alec talking with someone in the kitchen. Apparently, they had asked him where he lived. We don't have a home! he replied in his typically loud voice. I can imagine what the other person's face must have looked like at this enthusiastic response. But we will have a home, when God shows us where it is! he continued. It's the statement of faith and trust we've tried to respond with whenever our children have inquired about when we'd have a house again (one with stairs preferably, and painted white, where we can have chickens, according to Alec & Mika).
It's one thing to lead Gena and I on this adventure. We understand the broad parameters, the issues that influence our decisions. We see the big picture, or like to think we do. The kids see only that we don't have a home, that we're either on the road or in a hotel or tent, or visiting with friends and relatives for varying lengths of time. I don't think they stress out about things very often, but they're curious all the same. They know the difference between our nomadic life of the last four months, and the more static existence we had in a house in a particular place. As much love and support as we have enjoyed being so together as a family all this time, it doesn't replace the predictability of a home, someplace we can call our own, for however long. A place where it doesn't matter if the toys are left out, or if we're noisy when we play. A place where we aren't constantly aware of our potential impact on others and seeking ways to minimize it and avoid frustrations or irritations.
It was a rainy day today - something we haven't seen for the last week at least. A nice change of pace. The temperature is back down to around 70 (from the scorching 75-77 of the past week or so). I so love this environment, with the greenness and moisture and clouds. It would be nice to stay here, to live here, but it doesn't appear that's going to happen just yet. I pray to be faithful, like Alec, and trusting that what is not seen today may be seen on some other day or year. And beyond that, the trust to say that even if we never get to live here, it will somehow all be ok. I do trust that. And I'm glad our kids do in their own way as well.
We celebrated being reunited as a family with a breakfast dinner of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. O frabjous day!
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