Today was fairly relaxed. I spent the bulk of it running errands and working. We were able to get the tires rotated & balanced on the van at a Discount Tire Company store here. I swear that company is one of the smoothest running operations anywhere. The staff is always pleasant & professional, and there are never any glitches, attempted upsells, or anything else. They bumped up the tire pressure by about 1o psi to compensate for the heavier load that we're carrying around. Just need to remember to lower it back down once we're settled someplace and unloaded.
Gena and the kids spent the day at Carl & Andrea's. The kids were quite occupied with playing and watching SpongeBob Squarepants. Later in the day additional company arrived - more former classmates from Gena & Andrea's days at Lutheran Bible Institute (now known as Trinity College). I kept track of the kids while Gena had time chatting and catching up with her friends. Afterwards, we packed up and bid adieu to everyone so we could be on the other side of town in time for an early morning start.
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