Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday May 16, 2010 - Oconomowoc & Waukesha, Wisconsin

This is really one of the more social weeks (outside of the weeks where we're actually staying with people) on our trip. Today we go worship at the church where Gena's dad's best friend from high school & college has been pastor for 34 years - Ascension Lutheran Church in Waukesha, Wisconsin. We go to the 10:45am service, which is their contemporary service, because Frank's (the pastor) son leads the worship band. Ben is an accomplished guitarist, and we wanted to experience that.

After worship, the kids helped dispose of the remaining communion bread (tearing it up and leaving it outside for the birds). We then had a brief tour of the facility by Jan (Frank's wife). Then we followed Jan over to their house for a taste of Wisconsin hospitality - brats and hamburgers hot off the grill. Delicious! We spent the afternoon outside on a picture-perfect day. Their daughter Rebecca, her husband AJ and their daughter Jorja came by later on. It has been probably 15 years or more since Gena has seen Rebecca, so they enjoyed getting to touch base and catch up a little bit.

One of the highlights for the kids was the formation of a 'marching band' of sorts. They much enjoyed parading around with a variety of loose musical instruments and marching around where we were sitting on the patio. My preferred iterations of the band were those which did not include the recorders - since the kids managed to get only one, high note out of them, but with great gusto.

We returned 'home' - stopping to pick up microwave popcorn for the requisite Sunday night ritual. The kids were EXHAUSTED after running around for four or five hours. What a great day!

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