Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday July 26, 2010 - Tempe, Arizona

Today I'm packing and preparing to leave.

Oh, yeah. We decided that, since Gena's mother's eyes are doing reasonably well, I'm going to fly to Santa Barbara (well, Burbank) and stay with our friend Lewis until I find a house for us to live in. If that happens before my installation on August 15, then Gena & the kids will drive out with her dad for company sometime after the movers have done their work, and then stay (well, not her dad). If I haven't found something by 8/15, then they'll come out for the installation and then head back to Phoenix to wait it out until I *do* find something.

No pressure there, eh?

As an aside, Southwest Airlines has an interesting new little deal. For a nominal fee, you get to board the airplane pretty in the first boarding group and you get a free drink. You also get an extra .25 flight leg credit for your money. Apparently how booked the flight is determines how far in front you get to board. On my flight, it was offering me the option of boarding as one of the first five people. On another sample flight I just did, it was offering me the option of being in the first 15.

Interesting, eh?

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