Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010 - Newark, New Jersey to Hawley, Pennsylvania

We spent a leisurely morning Friday packing up and heading out. We left the hotel close to noon, with a goal of getting to nearby Springfield, NJ and a Barnes and Noble to use some gift cards. The kids each got to select a new book - which they were thrilled with! We also picked up the board game Sorry! One of our goals has to begin playing games as a family. We taught them the domino game Chicken Foot in St. Louis, so we decided we needed a new game. We've actually played a variation on this before, as a variation on Sorry! is a tradition in my family from my days as a wee lad.

We grabbed lunch and hit the road for the two hour drive to Hawley, PA. By the time we arrived in this rather isolated area of northeastern Pennsylvania, it was drizzling rain. It continued to rain through most of the night and into the morning hours, which was glorious.

Our place is *very* comfortable, and I'll post pictures tomorrow to give you an idea of the arrangement. We're grateful for a place with a little more space, and a week of nothing but resting, playing games as a family, catching up on some school for the kids, and perhaps some walks in the woods or along the lake. After more than a week in DC and NYC areas, a little country living will be a nice change of pace.

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