Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - Bushkill Falls, Pennsylvania

Tuesday was beautiful. The scattered showers of the weekend were gone, and the temperature was up to the low 60's. Gena decided that an outing was in order, and pegged Bushkill Falls as the destination. After all, how can you pass up a place that claims to be the "Niagara of Pennsylvania"? Exactly. I don't know either.

The kids were a little less enthused, but with the promise of riches at the end of the ordeal, they were relatively manageable. The one major setback we suffered was going the completely opposite direction because of some fundamentally messed up understandings on our part about what constitutes east and west, how to read a map, and how we got to our current locale in the first place. I'm still not sure that I understand how I could have been so completely messed up on directions, but fortunately a U-turn and a little forced laughter solved the issue and we were soon at Bushkill Falls.

The kids enjoyed the very well constructed timber path that wound up and down the sides of the valley the falls tumble through, as well as over the lower and upper portions of the falls. Although there are eight falls in total that you could see, we only saw two of them, opting for the 45-minute hike rather than the 2.5 hour hike. Along the way we tried to sprinkle some of our vast knowledge of the outdoors, botany, Native American culture, and whatever else we could think of. The kids were less than impressed with us, regardless of how much they enjoyed climbing steps and looking at lots of water. They were, however, greatly impressed with the cherry flavored Italian ices that turned their tongues blood red. Go figure.

We enjoyed a truly fantastic home-made dinner of spaghetti. We had picked up some local sausage (no preservatives or sulfites, woohoo!), and we used some tomato sauce and some salsa I had made the day before. Turned out pretty darn tasty with the addition of some thick-cut mushrooms. A glass of regional red wine (the Walter S. Red on this page), bread & salad rounded out the offering. Yum!


  1. The kids tongues are hilarious! Sounds like a fun hike!

  2. It was a nice, easy hike. There were a few places with several dozen steps straight up which made Caedmon (nearly 4 now) tired. Otherwise though, they were too excited by all the bridges and water and stuff to complain much. Thankfully!
